Find Your Power Faster. Maximize your Marketing Efforts with all the Power Features of Our Business Network and Agency Support!



Replicate Results. Not Work!


Prepare for your complimentary business assessment and discovery call. Complete the intake form so that our Client Managers can have an idea of the best way to support your business needs. It takes less than 2 minutes.


Make sure you have the meeting on your calendar and set a reminder, so you don't miss the opportunity to get SEO services on us!


Use our automation systems and proprietary algorithm for driving organic traffic directly to your website and offers. This is a complimentary meeting and not a sales call. We are here to do a deep dive into your business and assess from there!

"Success is about having systems in place." - Dr. Stefany

Why do extra work when you could be growing your business? Through our tested process, you'll find clarity in what you need and maximize your efforts from beginning to end. Visit Dr. Stefany's website every month to get your FREE monthly instant download. Stay connected to our networks so you can learn, monetize, network, offer and promote your products and services. Dr. Stefany is a Digital Marketing Expert who teaches you how to Get Traffic, Get Clients, & Get Results from all of your efforts!




"In a world filled with so many platforms, The Business Minded stands out because of everything you get with it. The connections I've made here in the tribe have not only enriched my business but also my life. I learned new information and hacks to use in my business each session. Dr. Stefany is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to building a digitalempire. If you are looking to scale your business it is a must to work with Dr. Stefany."

G. Buchanan, Mz B Learning Cafe


"This entire group and everything it offers has been a game-changer for my business journey. The support, resources, and teachings have helped my business to no end. I participate in all of her teachings and offers. I must say they are intense and beyond immeasurable; of the type of content and information we learn. Ivy League ain't got nothing on her. We have our tribe. Dr. Stefany and anything she touches and shares is the real deal."

Genelle E., Rice Global Enterprises


Get Organic Traffic

Get More Clients

Get Better Results


Is this a sales call where you are going to ask me to buy something at the end?

NO, absolutely not. This is our first time meeting and we are only interested in getting to know you and more about your business. This session is about learning about the systems and processes you currently have in place to grow your audience and your rankings in search engines. It's a deep dive into how you are using SEO, if at all, and how we can best support your efforts.

If it's not a sales call, then why are you doing this for free?

Because every business needs market research and every company differs on how they acquire the information needed to serve more. Our method for learning more about the market and market trends is to do market research and what better way then reaching out to people who are already in our network and helping them in return as they help us? You are already part of our community and subscribed to something we offered, so why not start with home first? One of our guiding principles is to be of service and in service to our community network of clients.

What exactly am I getting with this call?

You are getting free marketing advice, resources, and recommendations. This call is about learning more about your business, the marketing and promotions efforts you already have in place, and what type of results you are getting from both. Once we've had our discovery conversation, we will be providing you with a complimentary SEO Audit Report within 7-10 business days, for your business which carries no obligation and is part of your membership in our business network. You are entitled to get a complimentary SEO Audit report from us every 5 years. If you are subscribed to our Standard Plus Membership Plan, you are entitled to one every 2 years. If you are subscribed to our Premium All Access Plan, you get one every year. Once you receive the report from us, you'll have a better snapshot and understanding of the impact your marketing efforts are having on your business, and can grow accordingly.